Dominion Beach Estepona Spain

Holiday renting on the beach


General information about you and your property

Before we can calculate your tax we need some information about you and your property. If you already have given us this information you can go straight ahead and push the buttons below.

Please prepare the following information:

1. Property number (Referencia castral) and Valor Castral. You find both of them on your IBI-receipt.

2. Your NIE number (Green certifikat)

Please click here to read the conditions for our service

Step 2 alternative - I rent out my property

This link is for you who has rental income from you property and need to present your taxis quarterly. 

Step 2 alternative - Yearly non-resident declaration

This tax declaration is for you who:

- want to present the yearly non-resident tax in Spain on Modelo 210

- you have tax residence outside Spain

- yearly declaration and it is both for thoose who rent out their property and thoose who do not rent out